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Recommending Art Classes Which are Necessary to get Art Credit for Graduation

Did you know that 1.5 art credits are necessary before graduation? The director of Art & Communities, Anthony Giles mentioned “ISB put an art class with the same credit and the same amount of time dedicated like biology, math, and language classes. Also, we require all ISB students to take at least 1.5 credits or a year and a half Art classes for graduation because we think that’s a value. (Giles)” Usually, when students choose their Art classes, they don’t care about their personal interests or enthusiasm. Students' decision makings are affected by their counselor's recommendations, or they just choose a class which exists during their free period. However, Art classes are not only for classes which make your GPA higher or classes instead of free periods. Of course, for students who consider art as a major, Art classes are important. But not only art students, but also non-art students can get benefits from Art classes: “We believe the process of making art and risk taking and collaboration is a life skill that benefits all kids. It happens in an amazing way in the arts classroom.” voices Anthony Giles.

Are art classes only consisting of drawing activities or music activities? Students and even some teachers are confused about this questions. The answer is "No". There are 5 types of art if we classified art classes as a similarity.

Firstly, Visual Art. Visual Art classes are what we are firstly thinking about when we hear about the word ‘art’. It consists of Animation, 2D art Drawing and Painting, 2D Art Printmaking, 3D Art Sculpture, 3D Art Ceramics 1, and 3D Art Ceramics 2. Students who are interested in pure art or who enjoy making a creation by their hands would be suitable with these classes.

Secondly, Photography Art. It is composed mostly with classes using electronic devices such as DSLR cameras or tablets for editing or designing. Digital Art Drawing and Painting, Photography 1 Traditional & Digital, Photography 2 Traditional & Digital, Advanced Studio Art & Photography, IB Visual Arts (Standard & Higher Level). This course is the development of pure art that combines modern culture like electronic devices. It is suitable for students who like to deal with and learn about the latest cultural art techniques or take pictures.

Thirdly, Musical Art. Digital Music Production, Chamber Choir, String Orchestra, Wind Ensemble, Jazz Band, Voice, Guitar, IB Music (Standard and Higher Level). These are literally music-related classes. There are musical instruments classes including percussion and string instruments, and also singing classes such as Choir too. It is a good class for people who want to have a career with music in the future or like to play musical instruments as a hobby.

Fourthly, Dance and Drama Art. Dance 1, Dance 2, IB Dance (Standard and Higher Level), Drama, IB Theater (Higher and Standard Level). Dance or drama are classes in which you create art by becoming an element of creation by yourself. It is recommended for students interested in learning artistic activities such as dancing and acting.

Lastly, Film & Media Art. Film, IB Film (Standard & Higher Level), Media Studies, Yearbook. These are useful classes for students interested in applied art activities, such as writing articles or scripts, and filming videos. One fun fact, in Media Studies, which is a class writing a journal or filming to publish Panther Nation, more than half of the students didn’t know that Media Studies is an art class.

ISB's Art Programs help students relieve stress and have a stable mental health by doing various activities as well as studying. Anthony Giles suggested an opinion about value of ISB Art classes as “I think that we believe arts education and thinking in art class that is different to other subjects is a value to all students.” Currently, ISB owns 7 visual arts studios, 12 performing arts classrooms, 27 music practice rooms, 2 multi-purpose art galleries, and 2 fully equipped theaters. In addition, as mentioned above, there are various types of Art classes and both IB Art classes and Non-IB Art classes exist. As an Art classes recommendation, Anthony Giles said “There are a couple of new Art classes, because the Art Design Tech Program runs under the umbrella of an Arts. It’s a network and security class. There is a brand new Sound Design and Production class that’s been taught in music. It is different with our Traditional Bands, Percussion and Choir classes. It is an opportunity for kids to be creative on the Sound Production side of things. It would necessarily be not only for musicians but also kids who are interested in Technology around Music.” As he mentioned, there are various types of Art classes, and they are even classified in detail. Diverse Art classes, which is one of the strengths of the ISB, will allow students to broaden their area of knowledge through sophisticated experiences.


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